- 壓縮空氣管理系統
- 方向控制元件
- 氣壓缸
- 旋轉缸/氣壓夾爪
- 電動驅動器/單軸機器人
- 真空設備(真空發生器/真空吸盤/其他)
- 協作機械手臂用 真空夾取單元
- Compact Compressor
- 壓縮空氣清淨化元件
- 模組型F.R.L./壓力控制元件
- 模組型F.R.L
- 壓力控制元件
- 增壓缸
- 潤滑元件
- 接頭&氣壓管
- 流量控制元件
- 消音器/油霧回收器/空氣噴槍/壓力錶
- 開關/感測器/控制器
- 靜電消除器
- Wireless System: PROFINET Compatible Products
- Wireless System: EtherNet/IP Compatible Products
- Wireless System: EtherCAT Compatible Products
- Wireless System: IO-Link Compatible Products
- Wireless System: CC-Link Compatible
- Wireless System: DeviceNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFINET Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: EtherNet/IP Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: EtherCAT Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: Modbus TCP Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: ETHERNET POWERLINK Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CC-Link IE Field Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: SSCNET III Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: MECHATROLINK-Ⅲ Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFIsafe Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: IO-Link Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFIBUS Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: DeviceNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CC-Link Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: AS-interface Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CANopen Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CompoNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: Interbus Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: MECHATROLINK-Ⅱ Compatible Products
- Other: RS232C Compatible Products
- Other: RS485 Compatible Products
- Wireless System: PROFINET Compatible Products
- 流體閥
- 藥液用閥/接頭&針閥/配管
- 製程幫浦(膜片式幫浦)
- 恆溫元件
- 製程氣體用元件
- 高真空元件
- 工業用過濾器/燒結金屬濾芯
- 計裝用補助元件
- 油壓元件
恆溫器 (循環液恆溫裝置)Dual Channel Thermo chiller for Lasers
恆溫器/雷射用冷凍式雙迴路型 HRL

系列 | 設定溫度 範圍 | 冷卻 能力 | 溫度 安定性 | 冷卻方式 | 循環液 |
HRL100 HRL200 HRL300 | CH1:15 ~ 25℃ CH2:20 ~ 40℃ | CH1:9 kw,19 kW,26 kW CH2:1.0 kW(最大1.5 kW) | CH1:±0.1 CH2:±0.5 | 空冷冷凍式 | CH1: 清水 CH2: 清水, 去離子水(純水) |
■Energy saving
●Inverter control
The inverter respectively controls the number of motor rotations of the compressor, fan and pump depending on the load from the user’s equipment.

●Circulating fluid can be heated without a heater. (Circulates the hot discharged gas through expansion valve B)

■Temperature stability: ±0.1°C (CH1) When a load is stable
By controlling the inverter compressor, inverter fan, and electronic expansion valve simultaneously, it maintains the good temperature stability when the heat load fluctuates.

■3 operation modes of the circulating fluid pump
The pump operation mode can be selected by the touch panel.