
製品情報 »  WEBカタログ  » 產業用通訊元件/無線系統  » Industrial Device Communication Equipment: IO-Link Compatible Products

Industrial Device Communication Equipment: IO-Link Compatible Products

Ionizer / Bar Type IZS51

    ・High speed static neutralization: Fastest time 0.1 s
    ・Space saving: Height 70 mm x Width 28 mm
     Compact and flat body
     Can be mounted in narrow spaces
    ・Supports the IO-Link communication protocol
    ・Low maintenance cartridge
     Concentrating the air (for reducing emitter contamination)
     around the emitter and the assisting air (for ion transfer)
     Reduces dirt on the emitter, compared with the existing model
    ・Valve unit option
     For reduction in air consumption by stopping air purge during stand-by

     ▶IO-Link Devices
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    能以各種數據格式輸出支持所有型號的2D/3D CAD數據。

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  • Ionizer / Bar Type IZS51
    Series 查看搜尋結果
SeriesIon generation methodOffset voltage
(Ion balance)
IZS51Corona discharge typeWithin ±30 VAuto ion balance
Maintenance detection
High voltage abnormality detection
Ion generation stop input


High speed static neutralization: Fastest time 0.1s ∗1

∗1 Conditions: Discharge time from 1000 V to 100 V
Object to be neutralized: Charged plate (Dimensions: 150 mm x 150 mm, Capacitance: 20 pF)
Installation distance: 100 mm (Tungsten emitter, Air purge: 0.3 MPa)

Space saving: Height 70 mm x Width 28 mm

Compact and flat body

Compact body with piping on one side

Can be mounted in narrow spaces

Valve unit option

With auto balance function

Piping on one side possible

Low maintenance cartridge

Improved maintainability

Maintenance detection function

Operation status can be checked at a glance.

Output signals check function

2 types of brackets are available.

The ionizers can be set with a remote controller.

Safety function

Supports the IO-Link communication protocol

Application examples

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