產品情報 »
» 電動驅動器/單軸機器人
» 電動驅動器
- 壓縮空氣管理系統
- 方向控制元件
- 氣壓缸
- 旋轉缸/氣壓夾爪
- 電動驅動器/單軸機器人
- 真空設備(真空發生器/真空吸盤/其他)
- 協作機械手臂用 真空夾取單元
- Compact Compressor
- 壓縮空氣清淨化元件
- 模組型F.R.L./壓力控制元件
- 模組型F.R.L
- 壓力控制元件
- 增壓缸
- 潤滑元件
- 接頭&氣壓管
- 流量控制元件
- 消音器/油霧回收器/空氣噴槍/壓力錶
- 開關/感測器/控制器
- 靜電消除器
- Wireless System: PROFINET Compatible Products
- Wireless System: EtherNet/IP Compatible Products
- Wireless System: EtherCAT Compatible Products
- Wireless System: IO-Link Compatible Products
- Wireless System: CC-Link Compatible
- Wireless System: DeviceNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFINET Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: EtherNet/IP Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: EtherCAT Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: Modbus TCP Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: ETHERNET POWERLINK Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CC-Link IE Field Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: SSCNET III Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: MECHATROLINK-Ⅲ Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFIsafe Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: IO-Link Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: PROFIBUS Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: DeviceNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CC-Link Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: AS-interface Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CANopen Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: CompoNet Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: Interbus Compatible Products
- Industrial Device Communication Equipment: MECHATROLINK-Ⅱ Compatible Products
- Other: RS232C Compatible Products
- Other: RS485 Compatible Products
- Wireless System: PROFINET Compatible Products
- 流體閥
- 藥液用閥/接頭&針閥/配管
- 製程幫浦(膜片式幫浦)
- 恆溫元件
- 製程氣體用元件
- 高真空元件
- 工業用過濾器/燒結金屬濾芯
- 計裝用補助元件
- 油壓元件
電動驅動器 簡單控制 控制器一體型/Slider Type/Rod Type/Guide Rod Type EQYG□H

・Easy to set up, just like air equipment!
Two position stop with no programming required
Three position stop with no programming required
Cycle time can be set in all control modes.
・Downsized with Integrated Controller, Wiring saving,
Labor saving · Programless · Reduced adjustment time
・Annual CO2 emissions: Max. 59% reduction (SMC comparison)
[5.8 kg-CO2e/year (14.1)]
∗ The numerical values vary depending on the operating conditions.
Safety Instructions Electric Actuators/Precautions Auto Switches/Precautions Green Procurement (RoHS)
規格 | 系列 | 行程 (mm) | 推力 (N) | 速度 (mm/s) | 螺距 (mm) |
無電池 絕對型 (步進馬達 24 VDC) | EQYG16□H | 30 to 200 | MAX.154 | MAX.700 | 2.5,5,10 |
無電池 絕對型 (步進馬達 24 VDC) | EQYG25□H | 30 to 300 | MAX.511 | MAX.900 | 3,6,12,20 |
無電池 絕對型 (步進馬達 24 VDC) | EQYG32□H | 30 to 300 | MAX.796 | MAX.850 | 4,8,16,24 |
Easy to set up, just like air equipment!

Two position stop with no programming required

Three position stop with no programming required

Cycle time can be set in all control modes.

Annual CO2 emissions reduced by up to 59% through motor control optimization (SMC comparison)

Can be selected from 4 directions (In-line motor type)

LEDs indicate the load condition./Increased metal connector strength

Restart from the last stop position is possible.

Detection of table stop position by means of an auto switch is possible.
