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3-Screen Display Condensation Checker (Digital Temperature & Humidity Switch) PSH Series


Updated Sep-24

  • A relative humidity under pressure (inside piping) display function has been added. [New]
  • A condensation checker can prevent such problems!
    Allows for the visualization of humidity inside piping
    Detects abnormalities prior to condensation generation
  • Can be easily connected to any pipe you want to monitor
    Compact size allows for easy installation
  • Visualization of relative humidity
    Real-time monitoring
  • Remote/Condition monitoring
    Remote confirmation via switch output preventing condensation problems!

Product Features


Condensation problem inside piping

Water resistant!

Measurement with stable accuracy is possible even inside humid piping!

Application Example

Set value (threshold value) setting

Example of membrane air dryer high humidity status confirmation

Simple 3-Step Setting

Relative humidity under pressure display function

Visualization of set items/status (sub-display)

Level bar display

Analog free span

2-color display type

Relative humidity ←→ Temperature (Switchable)

NPN/PNP switching function

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