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Compact Type Speed Controller with Indicator JAS-SML/SCL Series

Updated Mar-23

  • Improvement of resolution has made it possible to make fine adjustment.
    1〜50mm/s:JAS-SML Series
    50〜150mm/s:JAS-SCL Series
  • Height: Max. 20.8 mm shorter
  • Flow rate can be controlled numerically with the indicator window.
    Due to the vernier indication, it is possible to configure fine settings in 1/4 increments.
    Reduces work-hours and setting mistakes

Product Features

Improvement of resolution has made it possible to make fine adjustment.

Height: Max. 20.8 mm shorter

Flow rate can be controlled numerically with the indicator window.

A vernier scale equipped at the upper part of the knob allows you to make a fine setting in units of quarter.