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Residual Pressure Release Valve
with Detection of Main Valve Position
VP/VG Series Updated Oct-18
- Base-mounted type (VP544-X536, VP744-X536) residual pressure[New]
- Safety Standard ISO 13849-1 Certified (Corresponding to Categories 2 to 4)
- With main valve position detection function
- With easy-to-construct redundant system
- Highly reliable construction
- A variety of safety limit switches can be selected.
- With soft start-up function (-X555)

The main valve position detection function is used to detect inconsistencies between input signals and valve operations.
Category 2: The safety function only requires the use of a single channel and is automatically checked.

When the dual residual pressure release valve is used, if one of the valves fails to operate, the other one releases the residual pressure.
Category 3: The redundancy prevents the loss of the safety function when a single failure occurs. The safety function must be checked before each use. An accumulation of undetected faults can cause the loss of the safety function.
Category 4: The redundancy prevents the loss of the safety function when a single failure occurs. The safety function must be checked before each use. An accumulation of undetected faults does not affect the safety function. (Features a higher DC and MTTFd than Category 3)

* This product is to be used as a component of a safety system; the safety of the equipment as a whole cannot be guaranteed by this single unit alone.