●Vane pump
In this type of pump, vanes set in a rotor inside the pump chamber brush against the inside walls of the chamber as they rotate, pushing out and discharging the fluid that is surrounded by the vanes, rotor and pump chamber walls. This is a type of PD (positive displacement) pump.
This is a high-lifting height, low-flow volume pump.
The vanes slide against the interior walls of the pump chamber, generating abrasion powder. In addition, this type of pump is susceptible to entry of foreign objects such as outside debris, etc.
●Vortex pump
In this type of pump, a bladed wheel (impeller) spins inside the pump chamber (casing), applying centrifugal force to the fluid.
This force is converted to pressure that discharges the fluid. As in a centrifugal pump, the fluid is discharged using centrifugal force, but the impeller has more blades than in a centrifugal pump, and in the pump chamber (casing), the aperture (clearance) is set more narrowly, allowing for a higher discharge pressure.
The pressure and flow characteristics attained are somewhere between that of a centrifugal pump and a vane pump.
This is a mid-lifting height, mid-flow volume pump.