An SMC Corporate Account Manager is assigned as your one-point person of contact. They work closely with your Corporate HO Sponsors. Engineers, and all production facilities - to deliver, create. manage, and execute all collaborative program objectives.
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SMC has over 6,000 local sales engineers in over 80 countries and regions to support all of your local production facilities.
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To fully support your Engineers SMC has 1,700 dedicated R&D Engineers that can develop new products or solutions. SMC can quickly customize or modify existing components to meet design standards or unique applications. And SMC offers the vast online model selection and sizing software as well.
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SMC will work with your engineering staff and local facilities for design assistance related to plant safety upgrades to meet Machinery Directives, ISO 13849-1 or IEC 61508/62061.
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SMC will support your OEM machine suppliers with the integration of SMC specified components. SMC will provide pricing support, innovative design assistance, and SMC project management to ensure on-time delivery and commissioning of new machines or lines.
SMC will work with local factories receiving new OEM machines to ensure all critical spare parts are available and onsite prior to production.
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SMC has developed a Streamlined Energy Savings Assessment program for our Corporate Accounts. Our goal is to find innovative solutions to reduce waste and usage of compressed air in the factory environment.
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SMC will perform plant level machine analysis to improve machine performance, identify waste, reduce scrap rate, and improve line efficiency.
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SMC performs plant level storeroom assessments to reduce vendor base, eliminate duplication, stan-dardize components, identify critical spares, and offer cost savings solutions.
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We propose the most optimal products for our customers from our range of over 700,000 products. By analyzing machine designs and unifying products, we are able to help customers reduce their inventories. Basically, the combination of standardizing equipment and making the parts of high importance identifiable makes it possible for customers to reduce the number of inventory items in their factories.
SMC documents all Corporate Account application successes with Improvement Activity Reports (IARʼs). These IARʼs are one-page overviews of the application highlighting operational improvements, energy savings, cost savings details, or plant process improvements. These IARʼs are designed to be shared with other facilities to duplicate activity.
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SMC offers customized onsite and online training classes on a variety of subjects related to pneumatic components, electric actuators, energy savings, optimal machine design, and TPM methodologies.

Customer Partnership Program
The Customer Partnership Program pamphlet can be
please download the pamphlet below